Local CPAN

For some reason, Perl is being forgotten by companies - irrespective of the power of the langurage - and preference for Python.

You can use the following command to download CPAN to build a local CPAN repository.

$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir CPAN
$ /usr/bin/rsync -av --delete cpan-rsync.perl.org::CPAN ./CPAN
.  . ..

Once it is downloaded, you need to change the urllist to search this directory. It needs to be a complete URL - otherwise, it will not be accepted.

cpan[1]> o conf pushy_https 0
cpan[2]> o conf urllist push $HOME/CPAN

Development Started on Euro 2016 Score Predictor Game . . .

UEFA Euro 2016 Logo Again, the only games related to an international Football tournament is the standard Fantasy Team type. Therefore, l have dusted off the World Cup 2014 Score Predictor game, and am in the process of updating it to cater for the Euro 2016 Championship.

.  . . unlike standard SDLC, l only have one server to cater for DEV/ UAT and PROD. Another couple of hours of focused development, then a backup of the Server and then Go-Live  . . ..  🙂

.  .. so it will be available soon  . . . ish  .  . . .

Online Grand National Sweepstakes Game . . . write one?

Googled "Online Grand National Sweepstakes game", and have yet to find anything other than the ability to download a name of the horses, so that it can be printed out and then used to draw them out of a hat.

Considering writing a game, plus to improve my knowledge of how to write a Word Press plugin  . . . or a simple PHP page. What are the requirements? See: Online Grand National Sweepstake Requirements

They are Learning Python at the age of 12 . . .

My daughter talked about an IT project  that she was working on. After some further information, it turned out that she was learning Python, and she had to write two code projects:

  1. Ask the user to input the length and width of a room, then calculate the area within the room and print to the screen
  2. Ask the user for their name and age in years, am then print their name and age broken into years, days, minutes and seconds equivalents

One of my To Dos was to learn Python, so like "Joe 90" (or Chuck - latter day equivalent), I watched Derek Banas' Python Tutorial and prepared to help her.

Python is not what I thought it to be . . someone brought after version 3 with no backward compatibility from the ubiquitous version 2, and it has been a chore to decide which version to use and then find an Editor that can understand version 3.

Python, after so many years and languages places dependencies upon the structural placement of code for specific purposes, e.g.

for i in range(1,10):
print ("Iteration ",i)
print ("Hello")
# Will print out the
# two lines above 10 times

for i in range(1,10):
print ("Iteration ",i)
print ("Hello")
# Will print out Iteration 1
# to 10, but Hello only once
# due to its placement,
# ie not indented

RPG3 anybody? However, it was a very fast language to learn and very simple.